maanantai 22. huhtikuuta 2019

To celebrate arbor day(april 26th) r/detrashed will be joining several other environmental subreddits in a tree planting initiative, to help the planet sequester carbon and in turn DeTrash the air! please read comments!

Hello All,

I have been in contact with a few other environmental subs and we have decided that if we work together we can make a big impact by doing a tree planting initiative on arbor day (april 26th). as it stands the subs involved have over 300,000 subscribers so assuming we can get 10%(hopefully more) people to plant just 1 tree we can expect some big impacts. so here is some math!

each tree can collect up to 48 lbs of carbon straight from the air in 1 year

we have ~300,000 people who this activity will be encouraged to participate in, and assuming only 10% actually do this, we still have 30,000 new trees. So that would be 1,440,000 POUNDS OF CARBON STRAIGHT FROM THE AIR!!! thats a huge amount to put it into perspective, 1 gallon of gas produces about 17 pounds of C02 so by planting the trees we are effectively removing 84,705 gallons of gas! thats huge! and thats just one year for the tree, an individual tree can end up collecting up to 2000 pounds of carbon in 40years! thats a crap ton! Besdies just carbon removal trees can have many other benefits like providing important shelter and food resources for some of your favorite local animals!

with just 1 hour (probably even less, planting a tree is easy) we can remove a huge amount of carbon. and yes i know this isnt going to save the world, but you add this to all the recycling and cleaning this sub already does as well as the r/zerowaste habits many of us practice, well we are surly doing our part!

and this is a conservative estimate! remember the numbers are based on a 10% rate and im sure we can get more than this!

To help out effectively it is important to plant native trees, as they will produce the most benefit for your local environment, to help you all with this I encourage you to contact you local fish and wildlife as they can help you find appropriate species, (some times they give your FREE trees too). if you want to keep your search on reddit these sub reddits may help you r/marijuanaenthusiasts , r/permaculture , r/gardening and of course asking your local state/city/country sub reddit will probably be able to provide you with some useful information!

Please help make this a success, also PLEASE UPVOTE FOR VISIBILITY I want to see this post on r/all getting all parts of reddit to join us!

being active in the environment is what this sub is all about so please, LETS DeTrash THE AIR!!!

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submitted by /u/Not_so_ghetto to r/DeTrashed
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lauantai 13. huhtikuuta 2019

Kansalaisaloitepalvelu - Kaikki työeläkevakuutusmaksut näkyville palkkalaskelmaan

Täällä on ollut paljon puhetta eläkejärjestelmästämme. Tämä ehdotettu pieni lakimuutos parantaisi järjestelmän

läpinäkyvyyttä. Onko argumentteja puolesta tai vastaan?

Linkki aloitteeseen:

submitted by /u/tacitini to r/Suomi
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torstai 4. huhtikuuta 2019

Muistutus nuorille: Viime vaaleissa yhtä nuorta kohti äänesti 2.5 eläkeläistä. Älä anna eläkeläisten päättää puolestasi

Nuorten äänestysprosentti on yhä heikko, toisin kuin eläkeläisillä. Vaikka sinä et äänestä, Arvot, Hilmat, Taistot ja Tyynet kyllä äänestävät. Nukkuva nuori antaa heidän äänilleen enemmän painoarvoa.

Glooria tästä muistutuksesta menee tälle twiitille:

submitted by /u/valimo to r/Suomi
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