maanantai 25. helmikuuta 2019

Illan avautuminen: Kartonginkeräys

Siis miten vitun vaikeaa on taitella kasaan se maitotölkki? Joka helvetin kerta, kun vien kartonkeja keräyspisteelle, on se tuupattu täyteen erilaisia pakkauksia täydessä koossaan. Koko keräyslootan sisältö on täten 80% ilmaa ja se on aina täynnä. Jos porukka tajuis ees tetrat taitella kasaan, mahtuis sinne roskiin vutusti enemmän tavaraa, mutta ei. En vittu ymmärrä.

Vitun pahvit.

submitted by /u/The_Kilo to r/Suomi
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sunnuntai 10. helmikuuta 2019

Machine Learning for Everyone. In simple words. With real-world examples.

submitted by /u/kr41 to r/programming
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Google completely terminated our new business via our Google Play Developer Account

submitted by /u/microface to r/programming
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Foldable Maps (Scala)

submitted by /u/agilesteel to r/programming
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Genocide in Yemen on US tax dollars. You're censoring yourselves.

submitted by /u/matterofprinciple to r/pics
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LEGO version

LEGO version submitted by /u/duyc37 to r/pics
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Reddit is now funded by Chinese investors, so let's remember that President Xi Jinping is so insecure in a meme that he banned Winnie the Pooh nationwide.

Reddit is now funded by Chinese investors, so let's remember that President Xi Jinping is so insecure in a meme that he banned Winnie the Pooh nationwide. submitted by /u/kproxurworld to r/pics
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