maanantai 30. joulukuuta 2013

New year resolution: Donate 5$ to 1 FOSS project every month.

As 2013 comes to an end, I owe big thanks to a lot of wonderful FOSS people. I've been using many of these projects on a daily basis and I think its time to donate regularly, starting from Jan through Dec.(Did few times in the past) I'm listing few projects (so many out there, but choosing few that I'm using regularly) that I'd like to give a donation of 5$ (Cost of burger meal where I live), although its not much. Some of these are not accepting Flattr, so will be donating via CC/Paypal.

  1. PostgreSQL

  2. LibreOffice

  3. GIMP


  5. VLC


  7. Blender


  9. Ubuntu




If you get a chance to donate to one project, what that might be? Just wanted to know if there are some less known but quite useful projects that is in need of any kind of help (so that I can adjust the list). Also it might help anyone who are looking to donate few bucks, who knows?

Happy new year to you all! Enjoy!

submitted by geordano to linux

[link] [2 comments]

Free Windows 7 Virtualbox image from Microsoft

perjantai 20. joulukuuta 2013

More stupid questions about snow...

I'm a Californian that will be relocating to Helsinki. That being said, I don't understand the "rules" of living where it's cold. Once we got frost on our windshield in the morning. That was reason enough to not have to go to work. So, can you provide some insight on what it's like? Just every day stuff.

Here's what I know already, so if you can just add to this list... - People love wool socks. They are a necessity. You often knit them yourselves (or at least if you're not a "city Finn"). - You have little devices that warm up your cars in the morning. Awesome. - You HAVE to have a hat and gloves and scarf and good boots. Apparently flip flops are a good way to lose toes. I will invest in shoes (gore tex, high sides, blah blah blah). - Things are still open during the winter. This was amazing to me for some reason. You actually go out in the snow and dark and freezing?! I figured you were all just hibernating.

But really, do you go to a restaurant with all of your winter wear on? Where do you put it? Hang it on the back of a chair? Do you go out - like to a bar - in a huge coat? Are people freaking on the dance floor in giant goose down clothing like two State Puff marshmallow people trying to get it on?

Am I going to be able to get an orange home from the grocery store witout it turning to ice? I heard lettuce freezes on the way home. Fact or fiction?

Do you have to have a flashlight with you at all times?

Are there really little spikes you put on your shoes to deal with ice? Do you just put your beer out in the snow even though there are so many drunks there? I figured it would just be stolen - regardless of being the most "honest" city in the world...

Etc. etc. Kiitos.

submitted by knorben to helsinki

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/r/Suomi - Viikonlopputhreadi! [20-22.12.2013]

Mitäs suunnitelmissa?

Itse aion suunnistaa katsomaan Hobittia ja todennäköisesti jatkaa olut- ja saunalinjalla sen jälkeen.

submitted by Pawlesslol to Suomi

[link] [38 comments]

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