perjantai 30. joulukuuta 2016
Fast Topic Matching
torstai 29. joulukuuta 2016
tiistai 27. joulukuuta 2016
A complete guide to securing yourself & your Mac.
Hello All,
Many people ask me: "I know Macs are safer than most PCs, but what extra steps can I take to ensure I am secure both online, and off?". Throughout the years, in part thanks to some paranoia, I have collected a few practices that I think most people should follow. Also, being the holiday season, I'm assuming many people might have gotten new Macs, so this is a good time to go through this. It is my hope that by following some, or all of these points, you can feel a bit more safe while using your Mac!
Important Note: NOTHING I post here is mine. This is all common knowledge/solutions that exist, I simply have compiled them into a list for convenience. I am in no way taking any credit for any of these practices, I am merely promoting their use. Additionally, if anyone else has anything to add, or change, please make yourself heard, I am not claiming to be a security expert, just someone who is aware!
Use 2 factor authentication. This one is a no-brainer, and one that I really hope everyone is already using! If you are heavily invested into the Apple ecosystem, as I am, the number one thing you don't want hacked is your Apple ID! It has credit cards, addresses, purchase history, everything on it! Make sure you utilize two-factor authentication to ensure that if someone hacks your iCloud password, they still can't access your account unless they have another trusted device of yours. This one alone can help immensely!
Use a firmware password on your Mac This is another one that is a no-brainer to me. Basically, when you set up your Mac, you give it an account password to unlock the computer and get into your user account. What a firmware password does, is lock down the entire operating system, making it unable to boot until the firmware password is entered. This is crucial, because if your Mac is stolen, and you don't have a firmware password, they can simply boot into macOS recovery mode and reinstall macOS, essentially making it impossible for you to ever track your computer through Find my Device. Important Note : make this password different than your normal user account password! Also, never forget this password, as doing so makes for a very, very tedious process requiring you to find your original proof-of-purchase (receipt) of the Mac and a service appointment at an Apple Store.
EDIT: Building on this point: /u/jmnugent added a great piece of advice: You can actually set a custom Lock screen message. This makes it so if your Mac is stolen or lost, can be returned to you (given you provide contact info). Additionally, if you have a firmware password, the thief wont be able to override this message, which is great because if they take it into a specialist to try to get it wiped, the specialist will see the lock message and pretty quickly be able to tell its stolen.
Make Sure Find my Mac is enabled at all times Im sure you all know what this is so I wont go into it as it is extremely self explanatory. However, with a Firmware Password, this is even more powerful, as you can lock it from, and then prevent your computer from ever booting while you track the thief.
Backups, Backups, Backups! In this online age less and less people are feeling the need to backup data. This is a terrible mindset. There are literally tons of methods to backup so I wont go to into depth. Personally, I do the following:
- Automatically backup my Documents/Desktop to iCloud Like most people, 95% of my data is stored within these two locations on my Mac. Having this on ensures that if my Mac crashes, I can always have a copy of my most important documents available. Extra iCloud storage is very cheap, I think I pay like 3/month for 200GB. There are also tons of other providers that can do this for you: Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Dropbox all have cloud storage that can be set up to automatically backup your most important files.
- Use Time Machine As extra redundancy, consider purchasing a extra hard drive you can use locally. This mirrors your entire Mac, so if it crashes, you can restore it exactly how it was. Hard Drives are extremely cheap nowadays, and you don't need to get an expensive one to do this!
Consider using a password manager. It's a common misconception that hackers can 'hack' your password easily. Most hackers have a database of commonly used passwords that they test against your account (Most people have ridiculously stupid passwords). Other methods for hackers involve brute forcing their way into guessing your password, which, if you have a semi-secure password, can literally take longer than the life of the universe to guess! With a single lowercase letter, a brute-force approach needs to guess 26 things, add in digits, it becomes 36 things, add in uppercase, the brute force now needs to guess 62 different options for just that single character. The takeaway is that a long-password with a mix of lower/uppercase letters and numbers is very, very difficult, if not impossible, to guess.
Using a password manager helps you create complicated passwords like this, and there are many options. iCloud Keychain, if you are heavily invested into Apple/Safari use, 1Password, LastPass, Keeper Desktop, etc.
EDIT: As some may have pointed out in the comments, try to never use the same password. I know this is tedious as hell, and can make for quite the headache, but it is more secure. Most people use the same password for everything. Many hackers, if they are able to hack into one of your accounts, may then try to apply that email & password combo to a host of other sites to see if they work. Don't let that happen!
Keep your Mac up-to-date at all times. As a university student, I shudder when I see somebody who has a relatively new Mac, and I see they are 1-2 macOS versions behind, or that they have ignored the "Important Updates Waiting to be Installed" notification for a year. I see this all the time. People, yes updates sometimes cause minor grievances, but they are literally released to help patch up security flaws. If Apple thinks the problem is worth fixing, they will send out an update. Listen to Apple and update!
Use FileVault Not going to get into the technical bits of this, basically it encrypts your Macintosh HD using a industry-standard XTS-AES 128 bit encryption. Really good!
As /u/DomPhotography pointed out below, make sure you also use this to encrypt any external drives that have your data on them (such as Time Machine external hardrives)
If you are not a very technical person, consider only allowing apps to be downloaded from the App store or identified developers. Most technical people I know can spot a malicious program from a mile away, but this is obviously not the case for everyone. Go to Sys Prefs --> Security & privacy --> General to see where Apps are allowed to be downloaded from. If you don't trust yourself, only download from the App Store! This isnt an insult at your intelligence, simply being vigilant.
Additionally, consider doing research on every program you download. It takes a few seconds to google the program name and you'll find out pretty quickly if its safe!
Make sure you Firewall is on. The standard fire wall that comes with macOS is great and catches just about anything. Make sure it is on, by going to Sys Prefs --> Security & privacy --> Firewall.
See which Apps have location services enabled Do this by going to Sys Prefs --> Security & privacy --> Privacy. As a general rule of thumb, no app should be collecting location data unless you absolutely need it to, or if you use it for some sort of time/location based logic, such as f.lux.
If you follow these general, practices, you shouldn't need extra security software. This is a BIG one. So many people download fraudulent "Cleaning" apps that are quite literally cancer for your Mac. Anything that claims to "clean" or "secure" your Mac, is probably fake(side note: Im working on making a list of apps that are definitely dangerous, AFAIK nobody has compiled a recent list like this) . If you feel like you must run extra software, get it from a reputable developer. Amongst these, Norton Symantec, Bitdefender, and Sophos are all great options.
Watch out for Phishing. This one is scary nowadays. Developers make websites that look exactly like the real thing! Consider this recent case of how a developer made a login page that looked exactly like an Apple Site: Link. As a general rule of thumb, you can usually see if the website is legit or not by simply observing the URL before you click it. If it is something like it is probably SAFE, but if it something like it is definitely FAKE!.
Whenever you visit a site that you enter your Credit Card into, first check the URL bar. If it starts with an 'https' then you should be safe (assuming the website is safe) to enter your credit cards the 'https' means that the communication is secure. If it simply says 'http' do not trust this website to reliably transport your credit card info!!
Many people are paranoid about their webcams, and have them covered up with tape. Let me first say, unless you are really stupid and got a terrible virus, the little green light will always come on when your iSight is being used!. However, if you are still paranoid, do the following:
Spotlight Search "Activity Monitor" --> Click the "CPU" tab at the top --> Search for "VDCAssistant". This is the process that uses the iSight camera. If its %CPU reads 0.0 percent, then it is not being used.
Know your network. Any time you use your Mac in a public network, you put yourself at an elevated risk level. Of course, if you follow the previous 14 points i mentioned, this shouldn't be a problem, but it is important to know where you are, and who can see you from your network!
as /u/git pointed out int he comments, try to never connect to unsecure networks. These are the networks that do not require any password. When you connect o this, any and all of your traffic can be viewed.
Never use an Admin account. No offense, but most people aren't wise enough to be using an admin account. When you set up your Mac, make an admin account, and then make another user account that you will actually be using. You an check what type of account you have by going to : Sys Prefs-> Users & groups and then observing what it says underneath the "Current User" Field.
Never plug in a USB thumb drive unless you absolutely know what it is, or who it came from. USB drives can be loaded with executables that can carry out malicious tasks the second they are plugged in. If you find a USB stick, or SD card in the library, for example, return it or leave it, but do not plug it in!
Automatically update apps. Do this by going to Sys Prefs -> App Store and checking for automatic updates. Just like with updating macOS, updating apps can also alleviate many security issues.
For the love-of-God, always require your password for purchases in the app store. You may not believe it, but some people actually keep this off because "it takes a lot of time" Well, I can guarantee it'll take even more time trying to recover a
stolen credit cardpurchases made on your account that were not approved by you! -
As my final point, I want to make it clear that solving security issues is a team effort. If you discover a flaw, or patch, or virus, or whatever, please share it!. Nobody will think you are annoying or over-paranoid, the more people we have contributing to cyber-security, the better we all are!
I'm sure I missed some points, but this post is already ridiculously long, and for that I apologize.
I hope that by utilizing some, or all of these tactics you can feel more safe with your costly Mac. Again, I want to reiterate, if anyone has any additions, or edits, please let me know, I will make those changes as soon as possible.
Happy holidays and stay safe everyone!
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maanantai 26. joulukuuta 2016
lauantai 24. joulukuuta 2016
torstai 22. joulukuuta 2016
tiistai 20. joulukuuta 2016
sunnuntai 18. joulukuuta 2016
lauantai 17. joulukuuta 2016
Video editing on linux
Hey everyone I just have a quick question for people who know much more than I do. Is it possible and efficient to use Adobe editing products on a Linux computer?
Edit: Thanks for the advice!
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lauantai 10. joulukuuta 2016
perjantai 9. joulukuuta 2016
torstai 8. joulukuuta 2016
keskiviikko 7. joulukuuta 2016
tiistai 6. joulukuuta 2016
Gratulerer med selvstendighetsdagen, Finland!
Terveisin ärrNorge.
Ollaan subredditissä keskusteltu vähän siitä mitä keksittäisimme itsenäisyyspäivälahjaksi ärrSuomelle, mutta tyypilliseen norjalaiseen tapaan kiinnostusta löytyi mutta toimintaa taas ei. Noh, yritettiin ainakin tämänkin kerran.
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maanantai 5. joulukuuta 2016
sunnuntai 4. joulukuuta 2016
perjantai 2. joulukuuta 2016
tiistai 29. marraskuuta 2016
maanantai 28. marraskuuta 2016
lauantai 26. marraskuuta 2016
torstai 24. marraskuuta 2016
keskiviikko 23. marraskuuta 2016
tiistai 22. marraskuuta 2016
Why do file managers seem to get dumber and dumber?
Excuse this post gets probably a bit ranty... but I just can't stand it any more.
The issue is that years ago, in the Ubuntu Netbook age, I started using Gnome because it was efficient and also had a calm and minimalistic UI which I liked. Still, most of the time, I use the shell to organize files (I learned TeX in an age where pine was an UI standard and you had to ask the department for permission to use the only laser printer if you wanted to see anything graphical).
Well gnome mostly works for me. But once in a while, I open a file manager. And I am more and more appalled how limited and unergonomic they are. All of them it seems. They support bookmarks, but only a few. They should support a few hundred bookmarks organizing them in a damn fast ergonomic system. They fail at the most essential things. They do not support deleting a file, like in "rm". I don't want a damn trash bin if I have decided to delete that crappy archive.They do not support hard links (You know Windows's Link shell extension? That supports "cp -al"). They do not show file and groups let alone ACLs and sticky bits. They usually do not support version control (you know TortoiseHG or git-gui?). I can only dream of support for SELinux.
They do not support examining a download whether it is kosher. They are all way to eager to open stuff that probably should not be trusted (hey, I want a "mark as trusted" option before anything is opened). I want an option saying "keep this but delete it in a week".
The general tendency seems to be to dumb stuff down to make it "user-friendly" in the worst possible way. Hear, it isn't friendly to treat people as dumb. [added: I spent some time looking for alternatives and trying out a few, but didn't find one that was really convincing. Some are pretty unusual. Maybe this is a reasonable place to invest time in learning unusual but more powerful concepts like Emacs for text editing?]
Well it's off my chest. Are there better alternatives?
Edit: Two things:
I do not want to belittle those developers who work hard to make Linux more accessible for people who are not that computer-literate. I think this is important too. What I am wondering is rather why there appears a dichotomy between "easy" and "powerful" user interfaces.
I think that for "power-users", the text-based alternatives have some merit. And among those I could look quickly, I think ranger is unusual but quite appealing because it is very open to combine and interact with other console tools.
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maanantai 21. marraskuuta 2016
lauantai 19. marraskuuta 2016
Do you want to save Wyvern?
There's been a lot of totally understandable griping about the changes I've been making to the economy -- buying, selling, loot drop rates, etc.
I want to put some perspective on this problem to help you understand where I'm coming from. This is not an angry post (far from it) -- but it's a serious discussion and I hope you'll read it carefully.
If Wyvern doesn't start making money, it's going to die. I'm not talking about a hundred bucks here and there, or a thousand bucks here and there. I'm talking about millions of dollars. If it doesn't start making millions of dollars, it will disappear forever. I can't predict exactly when, but it's approximately late 2017 or early 2018. The millions aren't for me -- they're for the company I need to build in order to sustain this game for you.
I have put over $400,000 of my own money, out of my own pocket -- no outside investors -- into this game over the past 20 years. I've put over $120,000 into it this year alone, and it'll be $150,000 by New Year's Eve. I've made some decent money at Google, but I'm blowing ALL of it on this game. I don't have a backup plan.
Moreover, I work 40 to 50 hours a week on it. That's in addition to my day job, which is 40 to 50 hours. I have no life. Even when I'm telling you I'm watching football, I'm fixing bugs while I do it. And I've been working 40 to 50 hours a week on the game since early 2013. That's four years -- as long as high school. These nonstop 80- to 100-hour weeks have put stress on my job, on my marriage, on my health, and most definitely on my bank account. It is not sustainable for much longer.
So if you're thinking, "Gosh, you don't need to make millions. Just keep it the way it is now!" Well, think again. Because I'm not going to continue spending $150,000 a year and 50 hours a week on this game for much longer. Firstly because I'm running out of money, and secondly, because I'm running out of time. Literally. I am getting old.
The economy of Wyvern is an existential threat. If it's not solved, the price we pay (all of us) is Wyvern's very existence.
That means that when we think about how the economy works, I think it would be very helpful if you would think less about how much YOU are enjoying making money hand over fist through clever loopholes, and start thinking about whether you want the game to live or die.
For the game to live, gold has to be scarce. Really scarce. You know I'm a big proponent of not making this game pay to play or pay to win. I want free play for people who are on a tight budget. But it needs to be convenient to buy coins, and you should want to buy coins, even if ultimately you decide that you personally can't afford it and you prefer to grind.
Under the current economic rules, it's way too easy to make money as a low-level character. You've found dozens of clever ways to do it. A lot of it stems from the drop rates, which are based on single-player games like Nethack and Borderlands, and they're not well-suited for a multi-player game. In Nethack, sure, you can find dragon mail on level 1, but you're also very likely to die 20 moves later, permanently.
In a game like Wyvern where there are hundreds or thousands of players who can never die permanently, loot accumulates, wealth accumulates, and ultimately money becomes valueless if you don't take deliberate steps to create scarcity.
A big part of the fun of the game is being able to find lots of loot, so I don't really want to change that too much -- though, I do think it's broken that a level 3 player can pretty easily find a couple of DSMs a day. The drop rates are going to be completely overhauled when I make the new loot system, likely in Q1 of next year. There will be lots of loot, but it will be scaled to your level.
Keeping lots of loot around means that my only option, in the context of keeping money scarce, is to make it so that you can't turn around and sell the overpowered loot you're finding for massive amounts of money. Yes, you have been doing that, but I have been personally footing the bill out of my real-world salary, and that has to stop.
So if you want Wyvern to live a long and healthy life, and as an added bonus, establish a level of challenge that keeps it playable for years, then you'll help me find the money-transfer and big-money loopholes, so we can fix them before launch. All of them. No exceptions. We need to identify and close them.
Here's what I have in mind right now:
- Don't allow auctioning stuff you buy from a shop. Period.
- Put a level-based cap (adjusted by merch skill) on how much you can receive from a sale. So if you offer a GDSM for min, and the buyer pays min, you may only receive a small portion of the proceeds: just a little more than you'd get from selling to the shop. The difference between what the buyer pays and what you receive is chalked up to "tax" or "transaction fees". As long as it beats the shop on both sides of the transaction, people will keep doing auctions, even with lower margins.
- Don't allow buying from, or selling to, more than one individual per day. When we have thousands of players this should have no effect on legit buyers and sellers. But it will dramatically cut down on your ability to funnel funds to your friends and alts, without cutting it off completely. (There is no need to cut it off completely. We just need the path of least resistance to be either grinding for yourself, or buying coins.)
These are the changes I have in mind, but others may be needed, and I could use your help in figuring out what works.
Remember that the basic mechanic of this game is kill monsters, get their loot, and sell it to the shop. That's the "working class job" in Wyvern, and it's the way I play the game, and the way I expect people to play the game. Everything else is gravy, and is optional -- even auctions, which didn't exist in the old MUDs (which were really well balanced, by and large.) I'd love to keep some of the gravy, but we have to make it work.
Thanks for reading! Feedback welcome. I don't need a bunch of thank-yous for the time and money I've put in. I should be thanking you for playing the game, and my wife and I both appreciate and cherish all of you for it. But we have a serious, game-threatening issue to solve together, and I'd love to have your help with it. Thanks.
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torstai 17. marraskuuta 2016
tiistai 15. marraskuuta 2016
sunnuntai 13. marraskuuta 2016
Help me move from Mac to Linux
I am a professional engineer who has been almost exclusively in the Apple world for 23 years and for various reasons I am trying to move to Linux full-time. Over the years I have become quite proficient on the CLI and used various flavors of Linux and but never managed to permanently switch from MacOS; there were always various software-related blockers I couldn't resolve. Still haven't decided on a distro or DE, but likely Unity, GNOME 3, or XFCE in Ubuntu, Fedora or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.
I'm quite productive in MacOS and have been researching Linux replacements or equivalents for all my tricks. I've managed to replicate most, but some have me stuck. Here is the list of productivity-enhancers that I need help replicating in Linux:
Miller columns in a file browser. Navigating a complex filesystem with a GUI is slow and awkward without a Miller Column viewing mode. As far as I can tell, only pantheon-files has this, and I don't want to use ElementaryOS.Edit: technically you can use pantheon-files in Arch, Ubuntu, and probably other distros, too.- iMessage, screen sharing, and FaceTime video and audio calling from the desktop--or something like them that doesn't require everyone I know to switch to Linux. These are super handy.
- In addition to launching apps and performing systemwide full-text searching, MacOS Spotlight can also perform mathematical calculations, look up words, and convert units (e.g. type in "150f" and it shows "65.56 ˚C"). The Dash feature in Unity and Gnome 3 can do app launching, full-text searching, mathematical calculations, and dictionary lookup, but I haven't found anything to make them do unit conversion. XFCE can do it with
. No other desktop environments that I have found have anything close to these. It's almost like I want a direct Wolfram Alpha interface on the desktop. That would be rad. - Manipulate open files by the icon in the window's titlebar. Through this proxy, I can rename an open file, move it or make a symlink to it, or open its parent directory.
- Ability to quickly remove the background from an image. I can do this in a minute or two with GIMP (mostly because it takes forever to open), but it's a cumbersome process. On MacOS, I can do this in literally five seconds with the build-in image viewer app. Proof:
Non-decimal scale factors for HiDPI displays. a scaling factor of 2 usually makes everything absurdly large. 1.25x or 1.5x would be perfect.Edit: Works in Ubuntu!- - "Creation date" field/file attribute support. Apparently EXT4 has this but people keep objecting to support being included in the kernel, for idiotic reasons. Any resolution?
Does anyone know of ways to fix/solve/improve these sticking points?
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perjantai 11. marraskuuta 2016
torstai 10. marraskuuta 2016
tiistai 8. marraskuuta 2016
lauantai 5. marraskuuta 2016
perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2016
keskiviikko 2. marraskuuta 2016
tiistai 1. marraskuuta 2016
sunnuntai 30. lokakuuta 2016
EA Games and Origin quietly bans an entire country - or, why you shouldn't take digital distribution for granted.
I live in Myanmar, and I own about 20 games on Origin, and have spent hundreds of dollars on the platform. I've bought the full editions of all of the Battlefield games up to this point, with their season passes. I was trying to log into Origin a few days ago, and got a bizarre "Access Denied" message. I googled it, and found that "Origin is no longer available in Myanmar."
Supposedly EA is blaming this on complying with US sanctions against Myanmar (which is total crap, considering Steam, GOG, and every single other content distribution network is just fine). Additionally, sanctions were lifted on October 7th. The response from the Origin Champion was: "with the Origin 10 update, US laws (which is where EA is based) forced them to block certain countries. Unfortunately you live in one of those countries. I'm sorry but there is nothing we ca do here to allow you access again." Still no access to our games that we bought. EDIT: Evidently I confused an EA champion with a random person chipping in inside the thread. We don't know why Myanmar has been terminated. Just that we have no access anymore and that according to the champion, Origin is no longer supported in Myanmar. Edit Edit: Nevermind, it's the second link. They said "...with the Origin 10 update, US laws (which is where EA is based) forced them to block certain countries. Unfortunately you live in one of those countries. I'm sorry but there is nothing we ca do here to allow you access again." So I'm making a (hopefully pretty safe) assumption that it's because of sanctions.
None of us has been offered a refund - not even a "sorry, all your games are gone."
Remember, if they do it to me, they can do it to you too. Don't use or buy games from Origin or DRM services. They can take your content away without offering a refund.
Edit: I feel like this is something that the entire gaming community needs to know about - I don't think that revoking access to an entire country's worth of people's paid content is something that should happen quietly. PLEASE spread the word about this. We in Myanmar need your help to get our games back!
Edit edit: Wow, this blew up to #1 on the frontpage. Although I probably shouldn't be surprised since EA + DRM + getting games pulled is a Reddit recipe for success. Since it's blown up so much, I feel the need to clarify a few things that I now realize are not clear from the comments.
- I live in Myanmar, but I am not from Myanmar.
- My account was not started in Myanmar (though several of my friends' accounts were, and they are having the same problem).
- Origin is kicking an "Access Denied" message to all of us. You can't access ANY games or even see the store. Click the links above for examples. If we use VPNs, we can circumvent this and access our games (although we can't play online due to insane ping - baseline here is 100ms; you use a VPN you go to 350+).
- Myanmar's sanctions were lifted on October 7th. For those of you that say EA has no choice, they do.
- We were all able to access Origin in early September. Obama announced that the sanctions were being lifted from Myanmar. Right around the time of the announcement, EA terminates all Myanmar access to Origin.
This is a much, MUCH bigger problem than just a few gamers in Myanmar. This highlights a crucial element of the TOS of big game companies - the money that you pay them gives you essentially nothing in return, except for an empty promise that the game company may let you play their game until they decide you can't.
Edit edit edit: I'm waiting on the "Thank you for contacting EA" screen. My wait time is under 5 minutes!
Edit edit edit edit: It's been 20 minutes. But the good news is my wait time is STILL under 5 minutes!
Edit5: No "experts" available, so they can't give me a definitive answer today. They'll have to get back to me tomorrow.
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lauantai 29. lokakuuta 2016
torstai 27. lokakuuta 2016
tiistai 25. lokakuuta 2016
maanantai 24. lokakuuta 2016
sunnuntai 23. lokakuuta 2016
lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2016
perjantai 21. lokakuuta 2016
keskiviikko 19. lokakuuta 2016
Server is being attacked
Hey, guys. I SSHed into my server today to try fix some things I've been working on and noticed in my logs that I somewhere something is trying to SSH into my machine. Coming from: which is a Chinese address. I am running an Eero mesh network in my house, so I can not blacklist the address from the outside, but have blocked it in my server. What else should/can I do?
Also, root is disabled, and thats the user they're trying to brute. So they aren't getting anywhere. Its just annoying
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Is there a book format of the Linux Kernel out there?
So for my second job, I don't have a computer or anything to do so I have been printing out the linux kernel to read while I am bored. I am just wondering if there is a book out there with it all? Sorry this is hard to google.
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tiistai 18. lokakuuta 2016
maanantai 17. lokakuuta 2016
Linux - Torn between Nvidia 1060 vs ATI RX480
I'm kind of torn. I'm on an old iMac 2011, thinking about building my next PC vs a new Mac, and Windows vs Linux. For the time being, I'm back on Linux to see if I can get by and enjoy it, I used it as my only desktop OS for a decade almost before switching to OSX in 2011.
In Windows, the 1060 ends up maybe 10 or 15% faster in many cases. The RX480 runs slightly hotter, slightly less power efficient, and the price roughly the same as the 1060.
In Linux - however - a lot more interesting stuff is going on with the ATI drivers.
Behind the scenes, a ton has happened with GPU drivers and video cards over the past decade.
XAA -> EXA or UXA used by XRENDER, used by Cairo, which is used by GTK
Now that whole chain is probably going to get replaced by Glamor, which replaces the need to write 2d GPU acceleration for drivers.
Gallium3d has also been adopted by some driver writers, a common framework for writing 3d drivers.
The ATI open driver runs on Gallium3d, and folks have also ported d3d9 to the actual mesa driver layer. There are patches out there to make Wine use it. It can drastically help with performance and features but only the open ATI drivers have gone that far.
Does the Nvidia binary driver support Glamor, or, are 2d apps at least snappy, last I knew, they used their own XAA or EXA implementation?
All that cool stuff going on in the ATI driver might not even matter - the 1060 has very fast OGL performance with the binary blob, the wine developers are making the command pipeline multithreaded, it still wastes CPU cycles vs Gallium-Nine, but, CPU no longer becomes a bottleneck.
Folks may or may not ever write Gallium DX 10 or 11 code.
Super unfortunate, Wine already rejected patches to enable support as too esoteric, even though the hooks are a small amount of code. They are being maintained by a third party as a set of patches that gets updated when needed. I sort of wish though that doing this at the Gallium layer was more of the standard, I think it's more in line with how other OSs do it.
I might consider GPU passthrough and windows in a VM, my understanding is the RX480 is better supported for that? Could also dual boot.
Anyway - the RX480 seems to have a lot of options for tinkering, and trying out new frameworks that are being developed for Linux. The 1060 will probably mostly "just work" as a blob. I like the idea of open drivers, though?
I am very happy with the open source radeon driver right now, but I am using an old card, ATI 6970M
It's still funny to see all these standards constantly changing, and Nvidia throwing the middle finger to it all and doing their own thing that works mostly.
In my experience with binary blobs - it works or it doesn't. With open drivers, you're more likely to get something working as you have the option to pull and install the latest patches from GIT, and the developers are often very responsive to issues and have tools to report information.
To me, it seems the ATI driver is progressing towards a pretty interesting future, adopting the latest standards, with significant benefits, provided it continues. The Nvidia driver is what it is.
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Do you know some weird obscure software from standard Ubuntu repos?
Sometimes it is fun exploring the repos. What funny/weird/bad software have you stumbled upon in standard repos?
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sunnuntai 16. lokakuuta 2016
perjantai 14. lokakuuta 2016
keskiviikko 12. lokakuuta 2016
sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2016
lauantai 8. lokakuuta 2016
perjantai 7. lokakuuta 2016
torstai 6. lokakuuta 2016
maanantai 3. lokakuuta 2016
sunnuntai 2. lokakuuta 2016
lauantai 1. lokakuuta 2016
perjantai 30. syyskuuta 2016
Photographers using Linux: what is your software stack and workflow?
- RAW processing
- organising files and folders
- making backups
- retouching
- watermarking
- editing EXIFs
- automated posting
What of these things do you do, in what order, and using what? Would you recommend your setup?
Is there something that you really miss having and makes you consider switching to a Lightroom/Phothoshop/Affinity Photo setup?
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keskiviikko 28. syyskuuta 2016
maanantai 26. syyskuuta 2016
perjantai 23. syyskuuta 2016
torstai 22. syyskuuta 2016
keskiviikko 21. syyskuuta 2016
tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2016
maanantai 19. syyskuuta 2016
Dear Al-Jazeera: Why Steal Our Code?
sunnuntai 18. syyskuuta 2016
perjantai 16. syyskuuta 2016
torstai 15. syyskuuta 2016
Lots of mail servers out there, one to recommend?
I'm trying to slowly wean myself from proprietary software and the cloud. So far, it's actually going pretty well. I would like to set up my own email address using my domain, on my server which is a 2nd gen Intel i5 running Mint 18 Cinnamon.
Just going to the wikipedia page for mail server, I see literally DOZENS. Looking for something that is simple to set up, is well supported Open Source, can send/receive attachments, and allows me to set up simple rules to use for filtering junk. That's it, don't need anything fancy. Thanks!
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tiistai 13. syyskuuta 2016
IamA U.S. Navy veteran that packed everything I could fit in my seabag, and moved to Finland, where I started a game studio. Today I released my first game on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Steam. AMA!
EDIT: Thank you all for the support and all the questions! It was awesome. I'm headed off to bed, as it's 5:11 AM here in Finland. I had a great time!
If you would like to continue to support Dreamloop, please, reach out to your favorite journalists and streamers and tell them about our game! :)
Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax is out now in the following locations:
PlayStation 4 US , PlayStation 4 EU
and Steam! (-15%)
My short bio: Hey, Reddit! I'm Steve. I'm a U.S. Navy veteran who packed everything I could fit in my seabag ~10 days after finishing my service, and moved to a country I had never even visited (spoke maybe 5 words of the language) to be with the woman I love. I'm back again for another AMA. :)
Over a year ago, I founded a game studio (Dreamloop Games) with my awesome friends. We started working on Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax, a 1-4 player local co-op arcade shooter with badass giant mechs!
Today, our game is live!
How I got here: When I was in high school, I fell in love with a Finnish foreign exchange student. We started as friends, but in the year she was at my school, we grew closer and closer. On the night she was scheduled to leave, I took a chance and kissed her. That started a long and sometimes painful road of long-distance love. Shortly after we had begun dating, I joined the Navy. She flew to see me at every opportunity, but the distance was hard on us both. In spite of that distance, we fell deeper and deeper in love.
As my time with the Navy drew to a close, I had no idea what to do with my life. So I asked my best friend and lover... And she told me we should get married. So I flew to Finland, popped the question, and never came back.
I went to work in the game industry with my writing skills, business knowledge, and a profound love of games. 4 years later, I have founded my own studio, and have brought my first game to consoles!
So... AMA about being an expat, my experiences in the Navy (though I was just an Air Traffic Controller at a shore duty station), having a game studio, or being the producer/release manager for a console game!
My Proof: Some pictures, and my studio's site (site got hugged to death...)
More proof, as per mod request:
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